Special security offers you a wide range of security solutions all over the country. Among other things, we are providing security equipment, security guards and paramedics depending on the needs of customer. We are always ready to help our customers to find suitable solution for any event and provide exactly what you need. From now you can solve all security problems on one phone call - 077-2259503.
The advantage of our company is that you don’t need to run around to ensure security solution at the event. In one phone call you can get a security solution that includes:
* Security guards (Dorman)
* Guards
* Stewards
* Paramedics
* Medics
* Security equipment and fences
* And other things by needs of the client
Special security working with leading production companies in the country. Special security takes part in securing birthdays, corporative events, weddings and securing of famous players and celebrities in the country.
Let us secure your event
and enjoy the best service in the field of security you can get.